Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me :')

Hello everyone, It's my Birthday!

I am happy to turn 18 (or some people say, to be 19) because I am surrounded with beloved family and friends each year. It has been great year for me, experiences up and down and grew a lot.

Do you guys remember as a child, you would have so many things to wish for? As I've gotten older, I've realised there's nothing I would want to wish for except for good health and happiness for myself and everyone who loves me.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to everybody who sent me birthday wishes. I'm so so touched. Thank you so much guys. I woke up this morning with a huge smile on my face.

I hoped that he was the first people who said happy birthday to me, but he even forgot my birthday. felt so bad because he has been so busy with his college final task. I don’t wanna blame him, I do love him. Moreover, I just feel really happy to have such wonderful people in my life. My family and friends are always here and wishes all the best for me. You all absolutely made my birthday one of the most memorable ones for my lifetime :)

So my birthday will officially be over in about 60 minutes. but you know, birthday is just a birthday. When you're happy, it's like birthday everyday anyway.

Thank you again for your birthday wishes once again. I'll be going to bed with a big big cheesy smile on my face *BIG hugs* This is greedy but I hope next year you guys can still be here to wish me happy birthday >.< hehee...

Good night World! 

5 komentar:

SKN said...

happy birthday nelva :) semoga selalu dilimpahi kebahagiaan dan perlindunganNya ^^

Noni Setianingsih said...


Gaphe said...

Waah kayaknya saya telat ngucapin nih.. selamat ulang tahun yaa Nelva! Semoga sukses selalu, semoga panjang umur dan selalu berbahagia.

sukses untuk semua kegiatannya!!

Nepha Dzieci Oraz said...

amin.. makasih semuaa ^^

jas said...

happy birthday!


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